Yes, that's right ... my fantasy sports angst has returned.
A while back I told you about my new fantasy baseball team and promised not to make you endure lengthy posts about, say, maddening slumps by Orioles second baseman Brian Roberts or lingering concerns about the health of Padres starting pitcher Chris Young. And I've kept that promise,

So I thought I would celebrate the successful return of Bradley, who made his first start since coming off the disabled list and had two hits, and the recording of my team's first "hold" by Phillies relief pitcher J.C. Romero by indulging myself to a post about their exploits.
Only I find myself far more consumed by anxiety over this Sunday's draft in my fantasy football league.

But instead, they make you pick actual players, and actually track them to see how they're doing, and actually track other players not on your team as well, because you may actually want to pick them up and replace your actual players with them, because they may actually be doing better. It's actually a big pain in the ass, and the only thing that's actually much of a fantasy about fantasy sports is the fantasy that you could actually be doing something that actually has some productive meaning to your actual life. (I actually think the whole "actually" thing actually got a bit tired by the second sentence in this "actually" paragraph, actually.)
All of this came to a head today when I found myself actu ... er ... really watching ESPN's SportsCenter Fantasy Draft Special as though it were legitimate programming and not a criminal waste of the money I spend on cable. I intently listened as washed-up quarterbacks, struggling comedians and hack sportswriters debated their fantasy football selections as though they were presidential candidates discussing national health care plans.

So it is about who comes up with the funniest nickname and who can post a link to the most amusingly embarrassing photo of Browns quarterback Brady Quinn after all.

Dear Chuck,
I think I speak for the rest of the Phlorida Phils when I say how disconcerted I am that you're thinking so much about your upcoming fantasy football draft. I came back early from an injury to help get you back in the race, and the rest of the guys are playing their hearts out. This can't be good for our morale. What do I need to do, knock in 10 runs in one game to get your attention? Please save some anxiety for us.
Trust me, I'm anxious enough about the Phils. I spent several hours analyzing my roster last night and trying to figure out the best way to position myself for a move up the standings from here. I was so concerned with fixing problems that I neglected to bring Romero off the bench, thus sacrificing the hold I thought I got.
And as for you, Milton, I question the idea that you came back "early" from an injury. This was your first start since you got off the DL almost two weeks ago! Now I know why you got a reputation as a clubhouse cancer in Oakland.
In short, keep your head down, gain ground, catch Chinatown and then go after first place.
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