I should have known to jam my fingers on the remote as soon as Buchanan's mug sullied the screen. I should have known he's the harbinger of bad tidings. But no, I pressed on. And on, as Chris Matthews pressed his panelists hard to tell us who "won" the debate, and used terms like "home-field advantage" in an apparent attempt to confuse Olbermann into thinking he was back on SportsCenter. But then things turned even more inane than the Barry Bonds question posed to Barack Obama.
The panelists started analyzing Hillary's accent. I swear. It went like this:

Matthews: Did you notice the Chic-ah-go? That little Chic-ah-go there?
Robinson: Well, she's from there, so she earned that. But it really came back, it was very strong tonight.
Matthews: That "ah" sound that I of course got to know through my father in law, but the fact is, she's very good.
Robinson: It's called a Midwestern twang.
To be fair, Matthews and Robinson had wry smiles on their faces when they were saying this, but I got the sense that this exchange was only halfway tongue-in-cheek, to use my own pun. I was really waiting for Buchanan or former San Francisco mayor Willie Brown to pipe in with a "And you know, it was really critical for Obama to avoid the sibilant S there, and he did, which was really good," or "Joe Biden made a few brief whistling sounds on some long vowels. I think he may have had a canker sore."

It makes me wonder why Vin Scully has never made a run for president. Smooth voice, gracious in front of radio AND television audiences, and the ability to quote the hometowns of the Los Angeles Dodgers night after night as though he were your senile uncle sitting across the dinner table. Truly in the mold of The Great Communicator himself, Ronald Reagan.

your blog keeps on getting better and better. And I might even be able to talk intelligibly about baseball by the end of this season!
Well, thank you, whoever you are!
And remember, if you want to speak about baseball or any other subject, there is a friendly neighborhood branch of the Toastmasters there to help you. ;)
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